Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey everyone!
There's not much to report today. I had my library orientation, which was a bit confusing because there are over 100 libraries in Oxford, but you can only use certain ones, and they all have different rules. However, with a total of 11 million books, I won't complain from lack of resources! Other than that, I went grocery shopping and had some good conversations with my new friends and housemates. Right now I'm doing preleminary work on my Arthur essay. My topic is: Discuss Arthur's career in literature with detailed reference to one British work of literature and its historical context. I picked T. H. White's Once and Future King because it's so different and funny and good. I think that this paper will be a lot of fun to research and write. Tomorrow I am off to London! I can't wait.

P.S. Here is a link to a youtube video of one of my favorite songs. I bought this album (For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver) this summer and I love it! Hope you like the song.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi, love your blog posts. I have actually made an account, so I am trying to see if I can leave a comment. Mom