Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cherwell Day!

I had class all this morning and then I decided to follow the Cherwell River into Deer Park. However, I managed to get on the wrong path, so instead of walking on the right hand side of the river, I walked in the middle. Let me clarify, the Cherwell splits into two, and there is a path on the land between them and this was the path I took. The problem is that this path did not lead into Deer Park, but led to Marston Road. So I tried to get to Deer Park by crossing the Greyhound and the Angel Meadow, but it was a no go. Plus the meadow turned out to be pretty green grass in several inches of water and mud, which was very messy. I finally had to admit defeat, and I decided to try the Botanical Gardens, but they were closed. So my big plan had failed, but I did enjoy some lovely scenery and have now devised a new plan of attack for my second attempt. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these pictures that I took.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Those boots look like they are going to be a very practical investment as you wander all over Oxford and beyond! :) I can't believe I'll be there in just three weeks!! Looking forward to visiting all your favorite haunts! Was in Boston today- thinking of you! :)